2: [WSSL] Intuitive Eating, Anchoring Habits, and SO MUCH MORE

The Work Smart, Stress Less episodes will be popping into your podcast feed on a regular basis to bring you amazing conversations with our resident Fitness Lifestyle Guru Karey Northington. 

In this episode Karey and I talk about what you can expect from the WSSL episodes, and she drops some SERIOUS value moments that you can start using TODAY.

ANCHOR - The topic of anchoring came up, and I am HOOKED! This is where you anchor a new habit you want to form, to a habit you already have. Example: Do you brush your teeth every morning? (Um, I hope so, but no judgement.) Well when you do, grab a glass of water and slam 8oz every morning to kick off your water intake EVERY day! 

Intuitive Eating / Macro Counting - There are a million different "diets" out there, and Karey and I agree that intuitive eating has been where we live the happiest. BUT, that doesn't mean that's the right choice for you! We'll be talking about all sorts of meal plans through the WSSL episodes. Is there one you want to hear specifically? Shoot us an email. info@amandalouiseswimwear.com. 

Want to start counting macros? Wait, do you know what a macro is? Karey has a FREE PDF with an intro to macro based eating on her website. Just sign up for her email list and she'll send it over. 

Need a food scale? Here's a great one on Amazon. Don't want to measure? A good trick for protein is that one serving should be similar to the size of the palm of your hand.

I freaking LOVE my Sous Vide machine. It's a way of cooking that uses controlled water temperature so that the food is literally cooked PERFECTLY. And it's set it and forget it, like a crock pot. AMAZING for those of us that seem to never cook a perfect steak. Here's the one I use.

"90% of wellness is mental"

Negative Self Talk - We're going to dive DEEP on this in the next WSSL episode. Get ready, it'll be a doozy.

Social Comparison - Sometimes you just gotta SHUT DOWN SOCIAL MEDIA! Remember that those are often highlight reels of peoples lives... or even reposts of photo shoots from YEARS ago! "If Instagram is making you feel inadequate or negative, you need to unfollow that trigger."

CHALLENGE!!!!! Our challenge to you in 2018 is to start ACCEPTING COMPLIMENTS. Do you constantly deflect when someone says "You look great!"?! STOP IT! Start saying a simple Thank You. This is especially important with YOURSELF. Allow self compliments. If you set a goal to get to the gym today, and you do it, take a moment to pat yourself on the back!

DO YOU HAVE A TOPIC YOU WANT TALKED ABOUT ON A WSSL EPISODE? Use hashtag #WSSL on Instagram and your question will be added to our list! You can also send an email to info@amandalouiseswimwear.com


Karey Northington

Karey Northington is the owner of Northington Fitness and Nutrition, ProteinHouse Gilbert, writer/ blogger, and a published fitness cover model. She holds a Bachelor's degree in both Nursing and Psychology. Karey is a CISSN certified sports nutritionist and certified personal trainer. She is an IFBB professional athlete in the bikini division. Karey knows how to work smart and stress less- this wife and mom has built a multiple six-figure fitness business while working full- time as a school nurse. 




Follow Karey

@kareynorthington @proteinhousegilbertaz @northingtonfitnessandnutrition


Amanda Freick