99: [Truthful Vibes] RELAUNCHING the Podcast!
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Well, I’m back!!! I took a several month hiatus from recording for a few reasons… one, my corporate life was CAH-RAZY (ok, still is) and two, COVID. Ugh. Life has been so weird, hard, crazy, all the feels.
Part of the beauty of this insane time of life is it has helped me focus in on what’s really important, and what I really want to bring into the world. Hence, the relaunch.
With this new season of life we’ll be focusing 100% on conversations and resources that will BETTER YOUR LIFE. Whether that be holistic wellness, insanely smart doctors, stories of challenges overcome, super cool woo woo insights, or anything else that lights us up… I want to bring you EXACTLY what I wish I had.
Oh, and staying true to the “this is me, like it or not vibe” get ready for a little more explicit language. Why? Because it’s how I talk in real life with the people closest to me… so welcome to my inner circle.
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